* [[orgplay|Organised Play]] * [[rules|Rules Contents]] * [[advancedrules|Advanced Rules Contents]] * [[races|List of Races]] * [[species|List of Species]] * [[advancedblurb|Advanced Rules Blurb]] * [[sai_attune|SAI - Attune]] * [[sai_bash|SAI - Bash]] * [[sai_belly|SAI - Belly]] * [[sai_breath|SAI - Breath]] * [[sai_bullseye|SAI - Bullseye]] * [[sai_cantrip|SAI - Cantrip]] * [[sai_charge|SAI - Charge]] * [[sai_charm|SAI - Charm]] * [[sai_choke|SAI - Choke]] * [[sai_cloak|SAI - Cloak]] * [[sai_coil|SAI - Coil]] * [[sai_confuse|SAI - Confuse]] * [[sai_convert|SAI - Convert]] * [[sai_counter|SAI - Counter]] * [[sai_createfireminions|SAI - Create Fireminions]] * [[sai_crush|SAI - Crush]] * [[sai_decapitate|SAI - Decapitate]] * [[sai_dispelmagic|SAI - Dispel Magic]] * [[sai_doublestrike|SAI - Double Strike]] * [[sai_elemental_relic|SAI - Elemental Relic]] * [[sai_elevate|SAI - Elevate]] * [[sai_entangle|SAI - Entangle]] * [[sai_ferry|SAI - Ferry]] * [[sai_firebreath|SAI - Firebreath]] * [[sai_firecloud|SAI - Firecloud]] * [[sai_firewalking|SAI - Firewalking]] * [[sai_flame|SAI - Flame]] * [[sai_flamingarrow|SAI - Flaming Arrow]] * [[sai_flurry|SAI - Flurry]] * [[sai_fly|SAI - Fly]] * [[sai_frostbreath|SAI - Frost Breath]] * [[sai_galeforce|SAI - Galeforce]] * [[sai_gore|SAI - Gore]] * [[sai_hoof|SAI - Hoof]] * [[sai_howl|SAI - Howl]] * [[sai_hug|SAI - Hug]] * [[sai_hypnoticglare|SAI - Hypnotic Glare]] * [[sai_illusion|SAI - Illusion]] * [[sai_impale|SAI - Impale]] * [[sai_kick|SAI - Kick]] * [[sai_net|SAI - Net]] * [[sai_plague|SAI - Plague]] * [[sai_poison|SAI - Poison]] * [[sai_regenerate|SAI - Regenerate]] * [[sai_rend|SAI - Rend]] * [[sai_risefromtheashes|SAI - Rise from the Ashes]] * [[sai_roar|SAI - Roar]] * [[sai_scare|SAI - Scare]] * [[sai_screech|SAI - Screech]] * [[sai_seize|SAI - Seize]] * [[sai_sfrtsrlogodc|SAI - SFR/TSR Logo (Dragonkin Champion)]] * [[sai_sfrtsrlogoecdl|SAI - SFR/TSR Logo (Eldarim Champion, Dragonlord)]] * [[sai_sfrtsrlogoecdm|SAI - SFR/TSR Logo (Eldarim Champion, Dragonmaster)]] * [[sai_sfrtsrlogoecds|SAI - SFR/TSR Logo (Eldarim Champion, Dragonslayer)]] * [[sai_sfrtsrlogoecdh|SAI - SFR/TSR Logo (Eldarim Champion, Dragonhunter)]] * [[sai_sfrtsrlogoecdc|SAI - SFR/TSR Logo (Eldarim Champion, Dragoncrusader)]] * [[sai_sfrtsrlogoecdz|SAI - SFR/TSR Logo (Eldarim Champion, Dragonzealot)]] * [[sai_sfrtsrlogomg|SAI - SFR/TSR Logo (Medallion, Gold)]] * [[sai_sfrtsrlogoms|SAI - SFR/TSR Logo (Medallion, Silver)]] * [[sai_sfrtsrlogomb|SAI - SFR/TSR Logo (Medallion, Bronze)]] * [[sai_slay|SAI - Slay]] * [[sai_sleep|SAI - Sleep]] * [[sai_smite|SAI - Smite]] * [[sai_smother|SAI - Smother]] * [[sai_sneakattack|SAI - Sneak Attack]] * [[sai_sortie|SAI - Sortie]] * [[sai_stomp|SAI - Stomp]] * [[sai_stone|SAI - Stone]] * [[sai_stun|SAI - Stun]] * [[sai_summondragon|SAI - Summon Dragon]] * [[sai_surprise|SAI - Surprise]] * [[sai_swallow|SAI - Swallow]] * [[sai_tail|SAI - Tail]] * [[sai_teleport|SAI - Teleport]] * [[sai_trample|SAI - Trample]] * [[sai_trumpet|SAI - Trumpet]] * [[sai_vanish|SAI - Vanish]] * [[sai_volley|SAI - Volley]] * [[sai_wave|SAI - Wave]] * [[sai_wayfare|SAI - Wayfare]] * [[sai_web|SAI - Web]] * [[sai_wildgrowth|SAI - Wild Growth]] * [[sai_wither|SAI - Wither]] * [[spell_black_palsy|Spell - Black - Palsy]] * [[spell_black_decay|Spell - Black - Decay]] * [[spell_black_evileye|Spell - Black - Evil Eye]] * [[spell_black_magicdrain|Spell - Black - Magic Drain]] * [[spell_black_restlessdead|Spell - Black - Restless Dead]] * [[spell_black_swampfever|Spell - Black - Swamp Fever]] * [[spell_black_fingerofdeath|Spell - Black - Finger of Death]] * [[spell_black_necromanticwave|Spell - Black - Necromantic Wave]] * [[spell_black_exhume|Spell - Black - Exhume]] * [[spell_black_opengrave|Spell - Black - Open Grave]] * [[spell_black_soiledground|Spell - Black - Soiled Ground]] * [[spell_blue_hailstorm|Spell - Blue - Hailstorm]] * [[spell_blue_blizzard|Spell - Blue - Blizzard]] * [[spell_blue_wilding|Spell - Blue - Wilding]] * [[spell_blue_windwalk|Spell - Blue - Wind Walk]] * [[spell_blue_fieldsofice|Spell - Blue - Fields of Ice]] * [[spell_blue_mirage|Spell - Blue - Mirage]] * [[spell_blue_lightningstrike|Spell - Blue - Lightning Strike]] * [[spell_green_waterydouble|Spell - Green - Watery Double]] * [[spell_green_acceleratedgrowth|Spell - Green - Accelerated Growth]] * [[spell_green_flashflood|Spell - Green - Flash Flood]] * [[spell_green_deluge|Spell - Green - Deluge]] * [[spell_green_mire|Spell - Green - Mire]] * [[spell_green_tidalwave|Spell - Green - Tidal Wave]] * [[spell_green_walloffog|Spell - Green - Wall of Fog]] * [[spell_red_ashstorm|Spell - Red - Ash Storm]] * [[spell_red_fearfulflames|Spell - Red - Fearful Flames]] * [[spell_red_firebolt|Spell - Red - Firebolt]] * [[spell_red_firestorm|Spell - Red - Firestorm]] * [[spell_red_flashfire|Spell - Red - Flashfire]] * [[spell_red_fieryweapon|Spell - Red - Fiery Weapon]] * [[spell_red_dancinglights|Spell - Red - Dancing Lights]] * [[spell_yellow_stoneskin|Spell - Yellow - Stoneskin]] * [[spell_yellow_path|Spell - Yellow - Path]] * [[spell_yellow_berserkerrage|Spell - Yellow - Berserker Rage]] * [[spell_yellow_higherground|Spell - Yellow - Higher Ground]] * [[spell_yellow_scentoffear|Spell - Yellow - Scent of Fear]] * [[spell_yellow_wallofthorns|Spell - Yellow - Wall of Thorns]] * [[spell_yellow_transmuterocktomud|Spell - Yellow - Transmute Rock to Mud]] * [[spell_elemental_evolvedragonkin|Spell - Elemental - Evolve Dragonkin]] * [[spell_elemental_resurrectdead|Spell - Elemental - Resurrect Dead]] * [[spell_elemental_esfahsgift|Spell - Elemental - Esfah's Gift]] * [[spell_elemental_summondragonkin|Spell - Elemental - Summon Dragonkin]] * [[spell_elemental_rally|Spell - Elemental - Rally]] * [[spell_elemental_riseoftheeldarim|Spell - Elemental - Rise of the Eldarim]] * [[spell_elemental_summondragon|Spell - Elemental - Summon Dragon]] * [[spell_elemental_summonwhitedragon|Spell - Elemental - Summon White Dragon]] * [[ec_control_dragon|Eldarim Champion Ability - Control a Dragon]] * [[ec_tame_dragon|Eldarim Champion Ability - Tame a Dragon]] * [[ec_slay_dragon|Eldarim Champion Ability - Slay a Dragon]] * [[racial_ability_am_javelin_charge|Racial Ability - Amazons - Javelin Charge]] * [[racial_ability_am_kukri_charge|Racial Ability - Amazons - Kukri Charge]] * [[racial_ability_am_terrain_harmony|Racial Ability - Amazons - Terrain Harmony]] * [[racial_ability_ce_coastal_dodge|Racial Ability - Coral Elves - Coastal Dodge]] * [[racial_ability_ce_defensive_volley|Racial Ability - Coral Elves - Defensive Volley]] * [[racial_ability_dw_mountain_mastery|Racial Ability - Dwarves - Mountain Mastery]] * [[racial_ability_dw_dwarven_might|Racial Ability - Dwarves - Dwarven Might]] * [[racial_ability_el_resist_fear|Racial Ability - Eldarim - Resist Fear]] * [[racial_ability_el_dragonkin_handlers|Racial Ability - Eldarim - Dragonkin Handlers]] * [[racial_ability_fe_feralization|Racial Ability - Ferals - Feralization]] * [[racial_ability_fe_stampede|Racial Ability - Ferals - Stampede]] * [[racial_ability_fw_air_flight|Racial Ability - Firewalkers - Air Flight]] * [[racial_ability_fw_flaming_shields|Racial Ability - Firewalkers - Flaming_Shields]] * [[racial_ability_fr_winters_fortitude|Racial Ability - Frostwings - Winter's Fortitude]] * [[racial_ability_fr_magic_negation|Racial Ability - Frostwings - Magic Negation]] * [[racial_ability_go_swamp_mastery|Racial Ability - Goblins - Swamp Mastery]] * [[racial_ability_go_foul_stench|Racial Ability - Goblins - Foul Stench]] * [[racial_ability_le_volvanic_adaptation|Racial Ability - Lava Elves - Volcanic Adaptation]] * [[racial_ability_le_cursed_bullets|Racial Ability - Lava Elves - Cursed Bullets]] * [[racial_ability_sc_scorching_touch|Racial Ability - Scalders - Scorching Touch]] * [[racial_ability_sc_intangibility|Racial Ability - Scalders - Intangibility]] * [[racial_ability_ss_born_of_the_swamp|Racial Ability - Swamp Stalkers - Born of the Swamp]] * [[racial_ability_ss_mutate|Racial Ability - Swamp Stalkers - Mutate]] * [[racial_ability_tf_rapid_growth|Racial Ability - Treefolk - Rapid Growth]] * [[racial_ability_tf_replanting|Racial Ability - Treefolk - Replanting]] * [[racial_ability_ud_stepped_damage|Racial Ability - Undead - Stepped Damage]] * [[racial_ability_ud_bone_magic|Racial Ability - Undead - Bone Magic]] * [[faq_4_0_1_08_get_to_know_equipment|FAQ 4.01 - Get to know your dice - Equipment]] * [[faq_4_01_basic_terms|FAQ 4.01 - Basic Terms]] * [[faq_4_01_setting_up|FAQ 4.01 - Setting up the Game]] * [[faq_4_01_turn_sequence|FAQ 4.01 - The Turn Sequence]] * [[faq_4_01_eighth_face|FAQ 4.01 - Terrain - 8th Face]] * [[faq_4_01_dragons|FAQ 4.01 - Dragons]] * [[faq_4_01_species_abilities|FAQ 4.01 - Species Abilities]] * [[faq_4_01_rules_reference|FAQ 4.01 - Rules Reference]] * [[faq_4_01_sais|FAQ 4.01 - Special Action Icons (SAIs)]] * [[faq_4_01_spells|FAQ 4.01 - Spells]] * [[faq_4_01_minor_terrains|FAQ 4.01 - Minor Terrains]] * [[faq_4_01_dragonkin|FAQ 4.01 - Dragonkin]] * [[faq_4_01_eldarim_champions|FAQ 4.01 - Eldarim Champions]] * [[faq_4_01_kings_die|FAQ 4.01 - Kings Die]] * [[faq_4_01_items|FAQ 4.01 - Items]] * [[faq_4_01_elemental_relic|FAQ 4.01 - Elemental Relic]] * [[dracolem_notes_jkc|Dracolem Notes by Josh]]