The Turn Sequence

A turn consists of up to six phases, which must be conducted in this order: Expire Effects Phase, Eighth Face Phase, Dragon Attack Phase, First March. Second March and Reserves Phase. When a player is taking their turn they are the marching player. Each phase may have multiple steps, which must occur in the order listed. If multiple things happen in a single step, the marching player chooses the order in which they occur.

1. Expire Effects Phase

All spells and effects that last “until the beginning of your next turn” expire.

2. Eighth Face Phase

City & Temple terrains on their eighth face apply their effects.

3. Dragon Attack Phase

If there are dragons at any terrain where the marching player has an army, those dragons will attack that army or other dragons at the same terrain. See the Dragons section for details on resolving these attacks. Otherwise, skip this phase and go to the First March.

4. First March

During this phase you may march with an army. Each march is split into two steps: Maneuver & Action. Both steps are optional, but must be performed in this order:


This step is optional. If the army is in the Reserve Area, skip this step.

Maneuvering affects the terrain where your marching army is located and is the process of adjusting the number shown on that terrain. If you wish to maneuver you must announce it, but are not required to reveal whether you intend to turn the terrain die up or down. If your opponent has an army at the same terrain, they may oppose the maneuver. This is called a counter-maneuver.

Both armies make a maneuver roll simultaneously: you and your opponent roll your armies and count maneuver results. If the total number of maneuver results generated by your marching army equals or exceeds that of the counter-maneuvering army, your maneuver succeeds. If your opponent does not oppose, a maneuver is automatically successful and no dice are rolled.

If the maneuver is successful, you must adjust the terrain die up or down by one step (for example, if the terrain was showing a 4, is must be changed to either a 3 or a 5). If your maneuver roll does not equal or exceed your opponent’s counter-maneuver roll, then the maneuver fails and the terrain die is not adjusted.

If you capture your 2nd terrain during this step, you win and the game ends immediately.


This step is optional. An army at a terrain may only take the action shown on the terrain die: melee, missile, or magic. If the terrain die is at the 8th face, the controlling army may choose to take any one of the three actions, while an opposing army at that terrain may only take a melee action.

An army in the Reserve Area may only take a magic action.

The actions are described below:


If the melee icon (a sword) shows on the terrain die, then only a melee attack may occur. A melee action may only target an opposing army at the same terrain.

Make a melee roll: Roll your army and count the melee results. Resolve any applicable SAIs first. If there are any melee results, the opposing army makes a save roll. The opposing army resolves any SAIs rolled, then subtracts their save results from your melee results to determine how much damage is inflicted. The opposing player then moves that health-worth of units from the targeted army to their Dead Unit Area (DUA).

The opposing army may then counter-attack, by following the same process above, with you making saves and suffering damage as required. Unless an effect specifically says “counter-attack”, all effects for a melee attack apply to the counter-attack.

After this exchange, the action ends.

Go to the next phase of the turn sequence (Second March or Reserves Phase).


If the missile icon (an arrow) shows on the terrain die, then only a missile attack may occur.

A missile attack may target any of your opponent’s armies, with the following restrictions:

  • If your army is at any Home Terrain, you cannot target an army at another Home Terrain.
  • You cannot target an army in your opponent’s Reserve Area.

Make a missile roll: Roll your army and count the missile results. Resolve any applicable SAIs first. If there are any missile results, the target army makes a save roll. The opposing army resolves any SAIs rolled, then subtracts their save results from your missile results to determine how much damage is inflicted. The opposing player then moves that health-worth of units from the targeted army to their Dead Unit Area (DUA).

Unlike a melee action, no counter-attack is possible against a missile action. After your missile attack is complete, the action ends.

Go to the next phase of the turn sequence (Second March or Reserves Phase).


If the magic icon (a starburst) shows on the terrain die or the marching army is in the Reserve Area, then only a magic action may occur.

Make a magic roll: Roll your army and count the magic results. Resolve any applicable SAIs first. The number of magic results represent how many points may be spent on casting spells. You may only cast basic spells that match the color of the units that generate those magic results. If a unit has more than one color, choose which color of magic is generated by their results. If a unit generates more than one magic result, the results may be divided between that unit's colors (for example, a Scalder that is red and green generates 4 points of magic. These may be considered all red, all green or split into any combination of both).

Some spells are race-specific as noted on the spell lists. A racial spell may only be cast with results generated by units from that race. An army in the Reserve Area may only cast certain spells (see Targeting of Spells).

To resolve a magic action, follow these steps:

  1. Total your magic results
    Total your rolled magic results, taking note of how many results are of each color (element).
  2. Target your spells
    The Spells section gives a complete listing of all the spells and any limitations that apply to them. The target of a spell or the conditions for a spell’s effect to occur, must exist at the time the target is selected. Once you have decided which spells to cast, announce all of the spells you are casting and each of their targets.
  3. Cast your spells
    Once all spells and their targets are announced, cast and resolve the spells one at a time in any order you wish. If for any reason the announced target of a spell is no longer present (for example, it was killed by another spell), then you may not select a new target. After all spells have been resolved, the action ends.

Go to the next phase of the turn sequence (Second March or Reserves Phase).

5. Second March

You may choose another army that has not yet marched to take a Maneuver and Action, following the rules detailed above for the First March. The Second March is optional.

6. Reserves Phase

There are two steps taken before ending a turn which must be taken in this order:

Reinforce Step

If you have any units in the Reserve Area, you may move any or all of them to any terrains. You may split the reserve units up, sending some to one terrain and some to another. If you already have an army at the terrain, the reserve units join that army. If you don’t have an army at the terrain, the reserve units form a new army.

Retreat Step

After reinforcing, you may move any or all of your units from any terrains to the Reserve Area.

Your turn is now over. The next player begins their turn at the beginning of the Turn Sequence. Turns continue in this manner until a player is crowned the winner by capturing two terrains or by being the only player with any unit(s) remaining.