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sai_crush [2018/07/18 14:18] adminsai_crush [2021/03/16 12:06] (current) – corrected punctuation admin
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 ^ Crush  || ^ Crush  ||
-^  Dragon Attack, Missile | During a missile attack, target up to X-health worth of units in the defending army. The targets make a maneuver roll. Those that do not generate a maneuver result are killed. Each unit must make a save roll. Those that do not generate a save result are buried.\\ \\ During a dragon attack Crush generates X missile results.  |+^  Dragon Attack, Missile | During a missile attack, target up to X health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets make a maneuver roll. Those that do not generate a maneuver result are killed. Each unit killed must make a save roll. Those that do not generate a save result on this second roll are buried.\\ \\ During a dragon attackCrush generates X missile results.  |