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sai_impale [2018/07/14 14:33] adminsai_impale [2021/03/18 09:18] (current) – punctuation change admin
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 ^ Impale  || ^ Impale  ||
-^  Dragon Attack, Missile | During a missile attack, when the defending army makes their save roll, target one unit that rolled an ID icon. The target is killed.\\ \\ //Note: Impale works outside of the normal sequence of die roll resolution, applying its effect immediately after the opponent'roll for saves is made, but before they resolve any SAIs.//\\ \\ During a dragon attack, kill one dragon that rolled Jaws. If no dragon rolled Jaws, Impale generates three missile results.  |+^  Dragon Attack, Missile | During a missile attack, when the defending army makes their save roll, target one unit that rolled an ID icon. The target is killed. None of their results are counted towards the army's save results.\\ \\ //Note: Impale works outside of the normal sequence of die roll resolution, applying its effect immediately after the defending army makes its save roll but before they resolve any re-roll effects or SAIs.//\\ \\ During a dragon attack, kill one dragon that rolled Jaws. If no dragon rolled Jaws, Impale generates three missile results.  |