Actions and Effects

Resolving March Steps

Maneuver Resolution

Reiterate here the concept of “capturing” an 8th face, and that if it is your second then you immediately win.

Missile Resolution
Melee Resolution
Magic Resolution

Dragon Attacks

Determine Attacks on Army
Eldarim Defend
Designate Attacks on Dragons
Roll Dragons
Resolve Breaths
Resolve Treasures
Army's Response
Resolve Damage
Resolve Wings

Resolving Die Rolls

Sequence of Resolution
Calculate Roll Results

Reiterate ID values, and monster/artifact face value of 4

Combination Rolls

Taking Damage

Reiterate Health here

Persistence of Army Effects

(Army Modifiers), also clarify that units move through reserves as separate units not armies, and the effect that has on spells

Unit Manipulation
